"God, if you think, God you are, Dust if you think, dust you are
As you think, so you become Think God, be God" - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Young Adults - YA
Within the Sai Organization, a Young Adult is someone aged 18 to 35 years of age.
Young Adult programs are being established to encourage young adults to lead purposeful lives by learning and practicing spiritual values as defined and established by the life, message, and works of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Purpose of the Wing:
The Youth Wing of the Organization has been established to encourage young adults to lead purposeful lives by learning and practicing human values as defined and established by the life, message, and works of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
In the 'Sai Mission', the energy and dedication of young adults has a unique part to play. Sri Sathya Sai Baba has said that the years between the ages of 16 to 35 are a golden period in one's life; "for that is the period when life adds sweetness to itself, when talents, skills and attitudes are accumulated, sublimated and sanctified."
The Youth wing does not work in isolation. Youth understands and recognizes the importance of learning and working with the other members of the Organization. It is through working together that we can understand Baba's Message of Unity in Diversity.
Youth are encouraged to take on responsibilities and roles with the organisation in order to gain experience and confidence so as to take the Sai mission forward.
The youth are the backbone of the Organisation supporting the different wings. The youth comprise of talented individuals from all walks of life where each brings their own unique offering to the Sai mission.
An important element to this wing is to continue to lay the foundations for the future Leaders and Office Bearers of the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organization and mould the Sai Youth into playing their parts in Sai's mission.
The Aim and Objectives of the National Youth Wing are as follows:
To awaken in the youth, an awareness of their true divine nature and to support the development of character through the practice of Truth (Sathya), Righteous Conduct (Dharma), Love (Prema), Peace (Shanthi) and Non-violence (Ahimsa).
To encourage and motivate the youth to take an active role within the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organization.
To integrate youth activities within the existing structure of the Sai Organization.
To encourage practical spirituality in one’s daily life, supporting the all-round development of youth: spiritually, professionally and emotionally.
The National Youth Wing plays an integrated role within the Organization, working closely with the other wings and regions.
“The future of the country depends
on the skill and the sincerity of the youth.
Therefore, the necessary enthusiasm and encouragement must be generated among the youth. All my hopes are based on the students, the youth. They are very dear to me”
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
“Students — the architects of the future. Students! You are the ones who will assume the leadership of the country in future. The future of the nation depends upon you. Your nature and character will decide the character of the nation. You should work for the prosperity of the nation, welfare of the world, and universal happiness. First of all, you must follow the command of the Lord. Therein lies your welfare, as well as the security of the nation and society."
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba